Monday, April 23, 2012

Jesus is here!

Imagine a dock in Africa full of missionaries from around the world, day volunteers from all over Togo and West Africa, and hospital patients all singing and dancing together in the name of Jesus. We had a dock party last week and it was almost too much God for me to handle.  It was meant to be a time of praise and worship and dinner for the Africa Mercy crew and day volunteers and as we’re dancing and singing I look up to see our patients walking down the gangway to join the party! My heart was overflowing with joy and thanksgiving as they entered into our dancing train smiling from ear to ear. It was a sight like none other.  There is such freedom in dance in this culture. Nobody is judging what you look like or how much rhythm you have. When worship begins the dancing begins and people dance with all of their hearts.  You can almost see the delight in their souls as they dance and sing praises to God. We celebrated God and what He is doing here in West Africa all evening and the fellowship was so sweet.

I have a second story to tell today. A story about my friend Chantal, the patient I posted about last week, and what Thursday looked like for her.  Chantal, in her frail little body just wanted to go outside that day. That was all she kept asking for but she was too weak and sick to take a wheelchair to deck 7.  So we went up the chain of command and the captain opened the pilot’s door next to the ICU.  The nurses wheeled her in her hospital bed out the pilot’s entrance into the fresh air. As she sat with wind in her face and palm trees in the background she said over and over “Jesus is here. Jesus is here”.  Even when she went back inside she said, “Jesus is here, sitting with me.”  And oh, was Jesus ever there! As we were on the dock praising God in song and dance little did we know we were singing that sweet angel home to be with her creator, God. Chantal was taken to heaven Thursday night and what a sweet way to go. Surrounded by people who love her and Jesus by her side.

The devotional that I read from Jesus Calling the day she passed away said this:
“Heaven is both present and future. As you walk along your life-path holding My hand, you are already in touch with the essence of heaven: nearness to Me. You can also find many hints of heaven along your pathway, because the earth is radiantly alive with My Presence. Shimmering sunshine awakens your heart, gently reminding you of My brilliant Light. Birds and flowers, trees and skies evoke praises to My holy name. Keep your eyes and ears fully open as you journey with Me.At the end of your life-path is an entrance to heaven. Only I know when you will reach that destination, but I am preparing you for it each step of the way. The absolute certainty of your heavenly home gives you Peace and Joy, to help you along your journey. You know that you will reach your home in My perfect timing: not one moment too soon or too late. Let the hope of heaven encourage you, as you walk along the path of Life with Me.”
God is good and faithful and His timing couldn’t be more perfect.


  1. Your stories are amazing! I am so glad you are there, taking care of people like you do so well.

  2. Praise God for all He Is and Is showing you each day.
